The following is a partial listing:
1950 Taller Libre de Arte, Exhibit in honor of Gaston Diehl, Caracas, Venezuela
1956 Congress for Jewish Culture, New York City
1959 Fine Arts Museum, Caracas, Venezuela
1960 Galeria De Aenlle, New York City
1963 Riverside Museum, New York City
1964 Montclair State College, Upper Montclair, New Jersey
1965 Modern Artists Guild, New Jersey Pavilion, New York World Fair, New York City
1966 Modern Artists Guild, Lever House, New York City
1968 New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico
1969 Philharmonic Hall, Lincoln Center, New York City
1972 Morris Museum of Arts and Science, Morristown, New Jersey
1973 Portobello Arte, Caracas, Venezuela
1976 UAG1, CitiBank, New York City
1977 Xerox Exhibit Center, Rochester, New York
1978 Fine Arts Museum, Caracas, Venezuela
1978 Cayman Gallery, New York City
1979 Fine Arts Palace, Mexico City
1979 Galeria Venezuela, New York City
1979 National Gallery, Caracas, Venezuela
1980 National Gallery, Caracas, Venezuela
1981 Fifth Biennial of Latin American Prints, San Juan, Puerto Rico
1981 Fine Arts Museum, Caracas,Venezuela
1981 Sutton Gallery, New York City Sharadin Art Gallery, Kutztown State College, Kutztown, Pennsylvania
1981 Loeb Student Center, New York University, New York City
1982 Arch Gallery, New York City
1982 Cayman Gallery, New York City
1982 Municipal Museum of Graphic Arts, Maracaibo, Venezuela
1982 Bassom Mall Gallery, S.U.N.Y, Buffalo, New York
1982 Galeria Venezuela, New York City
1983 Sixth Biennial of Latin American Prints, San Juan, Puerto Rico
1983 Road Museum, Rayo Museum, Roldanillo, Colombia
1984 Cayman Gallery, New York City
1984 Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Kentucky
1984 Cincinnati Art Museum, Cincinnati, Ohio
1985 Museum of Contemporary Hispanic Arts, New York City
1985 Galeria Venezuela, New York City
1986 Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center, New York City
1986 Galeria Venezuela, New York City
1986 MOCHA, Museum of Contemporary Hispanic Arts, Latin American Graphics Arts Biennial
1986 Mason Gross School of Art, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey
1986 Instituto de Cultura Puertoriquena, Seventh Biennial of Latin American Prints, San Juan, Puerto Rico
1986-87 Traveling Exhibit to other Latin American museums, Rayo Museum, Roldanillo, Colombia
1987 Fundacion Del Nino, Caracas, Venezuela (AGPA Collection)
1987 Homage to Gaston Diehl, Alianza Francesa, Caracas, Venezuela
1988 Venezuelan Mission to the U.N., New York City
1989 Espacios Calidos, Ateneo, Caracas, Venezuela
1989 Galeria Venezuela, New York City
1989 Kerygma Gallery, Ridgewood, New Jersey
1990 Fine Arts Museum, Caracas, Venezuela
1990 Kerygma Gallery, Ridgewood, New Jersey
1991 Eighth Biennial of San Juan of Latin American Printmaking, San Juan, Puerto Rico
1991 Kerygma Gallery, Ridgewood, New Jersey
1993 Kerygma Gallery, Ridgewood, New Jersey
1993 lnstituto de Cultura Puertoriquena, Tenth Biennial of Latin American Prints, San Juan, Puerto Rico
1994 Kerygma Gallery, Ridgewood, New Jersey
1995 Kerygma Gallery, Ridgewood, New Jersey
1996 Kerygma Gallery, Ridgewood, New Jersey
1997 Commemorative exhibit of the Taller Libre de Arte, Jacobo Borges Museum, Caracas, Venezuela
1997 Instituto de Cultura Puertoriquena, Twelfth Biennial of Latin American Prints, San Juan, Puerto Rico
2001 Voices of our Community, works from the permanent collection, Museo del Barrio, New York City
2007 Puffin Forum, Teaneck, New Jersey
2009 Puffin Forum, Teaneck, New Jersey
2009 6th International Art Fair, Maracaibo, Venezuela
2012 Galeria Odalys, Caracas Venezuela, Taller Libre de Arte Exhibit
2017-18 Smith College Museum of Art, Northampton, Massachusetts